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My Story


I just want to share a story when I started playing piano. I didn't really like playing classical music when I was young so I would go to joshagarrado/kylelandry/animenz/ichigo to download all kinds of free anime sheet music. However, recently people have been charging $3.00-10.00 per sheet music and I can't fathom what the future is like for every beginner musician nowadays. Music lessons are already so expensive, buying a piano so expensive, and EVEN HAVING TIME to practice is expensive because everyone has school and work. Students don't even have credit cards, so they won't have any access to these sheet music until 18+ which is absolutely redundant because music making should be done very early in their lives. I know we need to support these musician's future by buying their sheet music but eventually people are going to turn away from learning music because they can would rather spend it on video games or any easy lucrative hobbies that doesn't require less time and money.


As a music teacher I strongly believe that music heals a humans soul and speaks to the heart in such a profound way that nothing on earth will ever be able to provide. It is absolutely rewarding when you can play something you dearly love on the piano. SO THAT BEING SAID.. I have come to a conclusion that I will promise to post "short" ver. sheet music of my covers from now on FOR FREE in the case where I might not have time to write a full version. However, I want everyone to have access to play their favourite K-pop covers on piano just like how I had access to all the anime sheet music when I was young. Thank you so much for being a fan and supporting what I'm doing. I will be your #1 fan and will be supporting you on your musical piano journeys too!

My Current Youtube State

Sorry everybody I haven't been very active lately. People have been countlessly asking me to make full version of my covers but I hope everyone understands that I don't get paid for doing this. My covers used to get more views and exposure which allowed me to produce full version sheet music because of the revenue ad income.I am using every bit of my free time to finish these short version sheet music so that every one is able to play a bit of their favourite songs from the album.

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